Now to make a long story short, well how about shorter.

Several years ago when my parents passed, I inherited my parent's dog Ceasar. Ceasar was a 15 year old Maltese who was in and out of the hospital due to his many ailments such as arthritis, cataracts, bad heart, bad stomach and just old age. Every time he would go to visit the vet, he would always wind up staying for a few days. I always worried and felt badly because he was alone and there was nothing to comfort him while he stayed away from home. I work very long hours, over 10 hours a day, and also often thought of how I could tell him he is loved and keep him comforted while I was gone.
I began to think about how I could do this and well, as you can see from this web site, the answer did come to me!

Finally, the sad day came when I had to put Ceasar down, which was one of the hardest things one does in life. I vowed to make PeTalk a reality in the memory of Ceasar.

Although the concept for PeTalk began several years ago, it took time to bring PeTalk to you, the consumer. We faced various obstacles along the way because our company, VoicePals L.L.C., was concerned about making PeTalk durable, functional and stylish. However, with the help of such great people from the Loda Electronics Team, great lawyers from the top firms in Chicago, great artwork from SeanFX, great help from many friends, our company was able to accomplish our goal.


Safety was very important to our company. We are animal lovers and certainly did not want to produce anything that could cause harm to a pet. We wanted to make sure that PeTalk was as safe and as durable as we could make it. It would have been alot easier to sew something together as many pet products that squeak are done, but our concern was durability.

My pets within time, have destroyed every stuffed toy that makes noise that they have, leaving the stuffing and little bits of the chewed inside noise mechanism for me to see when I come home. I often wondered what my little girl Baci, a shihtzu mix, had eaten when I found little bits of plastic strewn about. Scarey.

PeTalk, as any talking toy, contains electronic parts and batteries, which could be harmful to your pet if swallowed and so we wanted to make sure that PeTalk was as safe as we could make it. We believe we made PeTalk very durable but common sense plays a part also. We always remind owners to place PeTalk in an inaccessible place, away from their pets such as on a table, or PeTalk can hang from a cage if the pet is confined or from a carrier.


PeTalk had to function without 'help' from the pet. PeTalk had to play back on its' own without having to be squeezed, moved or bit because when your pet is not feeling well or just home alone, they do not feel like playing therefore rendering any toy useless, if it needs your pets input to work. This was a high hurdle to jump but we made it!

The 'beauty and uniqueness' of PeTalk is that PeTalk functions without 'any' help from your pet. So if your pet is sad, feeling ill, not feeling playful, your comforting message will still be heard.

It was important to give the pet owner several options for playback, which will suit a variety of situations. Therefore, PeTalk can be set to 'automatically playback' every 1, 2, 3, or 4 hours to comfort your pet and will continue to play back until you turn it off. We didn't want your message to become just another noise to your pet if it was playing too often. We wanted your message to always be heard as special. When I leave out, I set my PeTalk to play back each day at different intervals.


We also wanted to make PeTalk stylish. We thought of different shapes and sizes, but we decided upon the phone because it can be used for many different pets and also because your message is your phone call to your pet.

As one columnist wrote about PeTalk, "it's like bringing the answering machine to your pet." In the past, many pet owners would phone home to the answering machine but now with voicemail, even that can't be done.
We are very proud of our final design of PeTalk and are sure that you can also see that alot of time and thought was put into its' design.

The initial concept of PeTalk began a long time ago, however because of its' complexity and uniqueness, which sets it apart from other pet toys that currently exist in the marketplace, it took time for PeTalk to be introduced to you.


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 Your Pet is Never Alone with PeTalk!


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